Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Words of a Caring Father

Absalom was a horrible man. This was a man who betrayed his country, his father, and his God. This man was so blood-thirsty that he even sought after the life of his own father, David (2 Samuel 15:14). While some would find this a crime punishable by death, David wished only the best for his beloved son Absalom (2 Samuel 18:5). Perhaps his compassion is one of the qualities that give him the description of “a man after God’s own heart.” As if this account isn’t sad enough as is, it only continues. Absalom soon dies, and while David’s subjects were rejoicing, he was weeping over his son’s cold-dead body, saying, “O my son Absalom, my son, my son Absalom!” (2 Samuel 18:33, NASB).  

            What a sad depiction we have here - A father, weeping over the body of his son, a son who hated him and betrayed him. I’m sure those of you who are parents can identify yourself with David. No matter what your son or daughter ever did or will do to you, no father or mother wants to see their child pass on before their eyes. God is no different in these emotions of life. David, while over his son’s dead body said, “Would I had died instead of you, O Absalom, my son, my son!” (2 Samuel 18:33). God desires this for His creation as well. When man sins against God, it is as if they are nothing but cold-lifeless bodies (e.g. Ephesians 2:1). Like David, God only wants what is best for you and for me. So much so, that unlike David, who only wished that he could give up his life for his son, God has actually given up His life for you and me so that we do not have to suffer the price of eternal death because of our sins (e.g. John 3:16; Romans 5:6; Ephesians 2:4-7, 13). Even though we deserve the greatest of punishments for our sins, God loves us so much, that He has given us a way back to Him, through His blood. What a wonderful Father we have!

We must be a part of His church if we want to be participants of His great gift. Yes, God is a great God, who gladly gave His life for the world, but His sacrifice only covers those in the church (e.g. Acts 20:28). So we must make sure we are in His church if we want to come to life in Him. Until then, all we are is that dead-lifeless body like Absalom's. Until we come to God, He will still be crying over us, wishing and hoping to give us the gift of life He has prepared for us through His blood.

If you want to be a participant of His grace, but do not know how to get into the church, I hope you will contact this writer. God’s perfect word has made it so plain and simple to follow. I would love to have the honor of showing you how He has prepared for us to get into His church! You can contact me through Facebook, or you can comment below.

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